
The Life Coach Content

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The Life Coach’s Content Bible



One of the best friends you’ll ever have in life is your intuition, and tuning into it and learning to trust it is something that can have some truly remarkable effects. Accessing your intuition is a bit like working and developing a muscle, but unfortunately it can be harder to locate than a bicep or quadriceps, which tend to stay in the same place. Here are some quick tips for accessing and trusting it –


  • Practice maintaining an open-minded, playful, experimental, non-judgmental attitude. This is the most fertile ground to tap into your intuition.


  • Practice making wild guesses in your everyday life. Guess what a salesperson’s name is, what a new person or place will look like, or who’s calling on the phone. Don’t worry about getting it wrong, you’re just working that muscle.


  • Try a few simple observation exercises in your daily life. Whether you’re in a restaurant, on a train, in a bar, or out shopping, practice noticing non-verbal behaviour in others. Look for shifts in posture, eye movements, vocal tone or tempo, etc. Guess how they’re feeling or what they’re talking about.

The concept of manifestation can teach you everything you need to know about living your dream and not wishing to be able to live your dreams.  Manifestation can change your life to a more positive life that’s worth living.  You’ll be able to have all the qualities that you’ve always had but never practised.  Being a positive person that thinks positively and avoids negative energies is a person that has learned to manifest their life and practices manifestation daily. You, too, can be part of this positive circle of energy.  Live the life you want to live, after all you deserve the very best.  As mentioned in the quote above, freedom is the most important thing in everyone’s life.  If you would like to seek this and much more, then manifestation is the answer to your dreams, which could be your reality.



This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding any type of mental or physical issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.



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